Friday, March 18, 2011

The night before...

We are settled into our hotel after a smooth trip from New Hampshire ( thank you Southwest Air).

All devices are being charged, cameras are packed, and devices are plugged in everywhere!

So, I'm ready! And just in case I forget (tomorrow is going to be a crazy exciting day) a big THANK YOU to NASA. It's a privilege to have this opportunity to learn more about the Sun (which based on my prior post is truly lacking) and to see first hand the efforts of all the engineers, scientists, employees of Goddard Spaceflight Center. The project list is huge (don't believe me? Go check out Goddard's website). There is real Earth, Space, and Sun science going on everyday (ever hear of the Hubble Space Telescope or see the pictures taken by SDO or did you hear about's in orbit around Mercury right now).

These tweetups are not just for the attendees in person. NASA does it so it's an interactive experience for those online. There will be tweets, Facebook updates, even a live broadcast by the NASA Edge team. Please join me and the other attendees of the Sun Earth Day NASA Tweetup online for a day of learning and inspiration. Check out my Highs and Lows post. Try to answer those questions. I really want to find out the answers, I hope you will to. If you do, join us tomorrow. Bring your kids (of all ages) to a computer or mobile device and see what fantastic things we can learn about together. All the attendees know that we are ambassadors of the event and will try our best to bring it to you in real time with the highest quality content.

Thanks for reading and I hope to "see" you at the tweetup.


Note: I think Joel Glick will be wearing his Hat Cam. You can follow him on Twitter, use the hash tag #hatcam for a personal point of view (it's very cool, you should check it out anyway). You can also find this live feed on JustinTV if he is able to broadcast.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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